GenSampler, is an automated system that enables a sequential samplingofdrug-producingcellsdirectlyfromthebioreactor with a minimal shear stress.
Cells are then mixed with lysis buffer, which allows to extract and analyse the RNA in a separate experiment to identify biomarkers of interest
Automated sampling
Given that the process is automated, there is no heterogeneity between samples that may be related to operator intervention
Minimal shear stress
The flow rate is well controlled to reduce as much as possible the shear stress that may generate bias in gene expression
Time effective
Twelve samplings at programmable timepoints can be made. You enter your lab twice: you run your experiment and you get your samples (instead of 12 entries with conventional sampling method)
Sterile environment
Designed for cleanrooms since it is connected aseptically to bioreactors. No need to work under a laminar flow hood
Adaptative sampling
GenSampler is equiped with an automated counting system that estimates the number of cells and adapts the sampling volume throughout the bioprocess
With 2 entries, you reduce waste and lab equipment consumption (gloves, lab coats, head / shoe covers)
Flexible access
You can get your samples at any time (even during nights or week-ends). Samples are stable in the lysis buffer for several days